Benefits of Solar Panel Electric Power Systems for Homes

The average price of a solar panel has declined by 60%since the beginning of 2011.*

Solar energy is the cleanest, most abundant renewable energy source available. The U.S. has some of the world’s richest solar resources. Today’s technology allows us to harness this resource in several ways, giving the public and commercial entities flexible ways to employ both the light and heat of the sun.

If you like the thought of contributing to the efforts of making the earth a better place to live, or if you like money, you’ll love solar energy. There are a myriad of great reasons to install a photovoltaic solar power generation system in your home or commercial building, here are a few.

  • A solar energy system adds to your property value without adding any tax liability.
  • Home based solar power is a quiet, nearly maintenance free, continuous source of electricity.
  • Solar electric systems reduce pollution and CO2 emissions by generating electrical power using radiant Sun light that can replace electricity that comes from coal fired electrical plants.
  • Many states including California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland, Texas and Arizona offer $0 down installation plans that immediately lower your electric bill and cost nothing to install or maintain.

Solar power systems generate electricity at peak power usage times (during the day) when the value and cost of electricity is the highest. Modern grid-tied home solar power systems can use the cheap rate grid power at night and reduce or eliminate the need for the high rate electrical power during the day. Home-owners can actually push power back into the electrical grid during the day and run their meters backwards which is generates energy credits and even capital. Imagine your electric company sending you a check every month instead of a bill! Sounds too good to be true? It happens every day in America.

*Source: Solar Energy Industries Association