We make solar easy

We’ll take care of your entire solar project from start to finish in a few simple steps.

Solar Power 1-2-3

1  Free Solar Consultation

We’ll take a look at your current electric bill and starts with a quick conversation to see if solar is right for you. We’ll discuss your energy use and take a look at your roof using satellite imaging.


2  Get Your FREE Quote!

We’ll prepare a free customized quote if everything looks good. It includes all of your options and projects your energy savings for the next 25 years. Once you’ve decided to install solar and signed our agreement, we’ll get busy designing the right system for your home.


3  Have Your System Installed

Most solar installations take only a single day. We’ll find a day that works best for you. We also take care of all of the permits and inspections. All you have to do is watch it all come together.

When we’ve completed our work and the utility company gives approval, you get to flip the switch to start generating your own clean, more affordable energy.